Becoming a C.A.L.L Coach
Carlisle Area Little League is always looking for great coaches and mentors for our players and teams. If you are interested in volunteering your time to either coach / assistant coach / or serve as a team parent you must complete the following required clearances (good for five years):
PA State Police Criminal Record Check – https://epatch.state.pa.us/
PA Child Welfare - https://www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis/public/home
Signed volunteer disclaimer - Download PDF form
Little League Application (ANNUAL) – JDP.com will be sent via email.
If you have NOT resided in PA continuously for 10 years you will also need:
FBI Criminal Fingerprint Check ($21.35) – https://uenroll.identogo.com/
Email clearances to Kristina Deatrick - KristinaDeatrick@carlislebaseball.com.
Knowing Little League Rules
Each year, Little League® provides its constituent leagues with current Little League rules, regulations, and policies that outline and define the operation of the program. It is important for all Little League volunteers and parents to be familiar with the most up-to-date version of Little League’s Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies. These rulebooks provide the structure and support for local leagues and Districts to create a meaningful Little League experience for all children in their community. Follow the link below to download current rules and rule updates.

Additional Coach Training and Resources
For coaches, one of the most important things we can do is keep learning to provide our players with outstanding team sport experiences and long-term life lessons. Coaches for International tournaments are required to complete Little League International's Diamond Leader Course. Coaches for local tournaments (Clarence Boyd) are required to complete the Positive Coaching Alliance's Double Goal Coach Program. In addition, Little League International has an entire resources page dedicated to coach and manager needs. Check out these courses or resources to keep growing your knowledge bank!

Getting Ideas for Drills and Practices
Coaching little league and not sure how to make your practices engaging and fun? Don't worry! Coaching isn't without work - but it is hugely rewarding. Whether you are seeing the athletic progress of your players or observing how they are becoming major league humans, you will know you are making a difference!
If you are looking to amp up the energy of your practices, download our drill and practice game guide to get some fun ideas:

Field Preparation for Games
Follow these field preparation and maintenance instructions before and after every game to ensure our fields stay well groomed throughout our seasons.
Arrive at your field early!!! Rake the heavy traffic spots around all the bases to prevent puddles, especially on mound and batter's box.
If needed, fill in low spots with Infield Mix only, and rake and tamp down as necessary.
If it is raining or has rained and the high traffic areas are wet as you approach game time you may apply Turface SPARINGLY to assist with drying out the wet area. Concentrate first on the pitching area and the batter's box, then move to around the bases.
Drag the infield with the drag or rake. Start at the pitcher's mound and go around until complete. Don't get too close to the edges or push/pull any dirt onto the outfield grass.
Place the batter's box template next to home plate with the handle touching the edge of home plate. Walk on the the template to press it into the dirt. On the lines left by the template, using the 2" setting, chalk in the batter's box.
With a nail at the back corner of home plate string and chalk the baselines to the outfield using the 2" setting. The string should be positioned about 1" in from the impression of the base, so that the outer edge of the line aligns with the base.
Using the 2" setting, chalk in the coaches box at 1st and 3rd base.
All teams are responsible for removing garbage, water bottles and miscellaneous items from the dugouts, surrounding areas and field after each game or practice.
Make sure you drag/rake the infield after your game or practice. Fill in any holes in front of the pitching rubber and in the batters box. Don't forget to remove equipment and return to the appropriate storage area. Always leave the field in better shape than how you found it!
For more information and videos on field maintenance, check out GroundsKeeper U: